In this lab, you will write a report on a density experiment that is similar to Lab 4, but using the apparatus we normally use in the college. We would like you to get familiar with the format of writing a student report as specified in Lab 4. Write on your paper.
The goal of this experiement is to determine the density of glass used to make glass marbles.
The apparatus used in this experiment are: a glass marble, 2-pan blance #HT14 and micrometer #2. No need to give the ranges and divisions as you do not have . The photo below shows the apparatus, but do not include the photo in your report.
Read and record data from the photos below. For the diameter, you should organize the readings using a data table similar to the example in Lab #4, but add two extra rows under the "Average reading", one for the zero reading and one for the corrected reading. You only need to correct the average reading rather than the individual readings. You may want to review Lab #1 on how to read a micormeter and how to do the zero correction.
Mass measurement | |||
Diameter measurements | |||
Completing the report
Complete the Calculations and the Conclusion section as you did in the last lab. Google "density of glass marble" to find a reference value.
For this and future reports, add a "Discussions" section at the end. Is the percetage discrepancy satisfactory, or is it too high? Can you contribute it to the uncertainties of data? If not, what could have caused the discrepancy and can you think of ways to reduce it? Discussions do not need to be too long: focus youself on one or two points.